понедельник, 27 февраля 2017 г.

I would like to introduce  the book "Toby Lolness".
It's mistery and fantazy.
This book about boy whose family got in jail because his father refuses to reveal the secret of his great invention. He confident that it can destroy the tree and its people.
The two-volume "Toby Lolness" - "On the verge of death" and "Eliza's eyes" - was released in France in 2006-2007, and was then transferred into 28 languages ​​and became an international bestseller.
The author of this Timothee de Fombel.
A well-designed fictional world, absolutely unpredictable plot. This book - the only one I wanted to read again, and hope you enjoy this book, too.

понедельник, 20 февраля 2017 г.

Check these words
tap dripping                                                   капающий кран
tap foot                                                          топать ногой
drive somebody to distraction                       дщвести кого-либо до безумия                
irritating sound                                              раздражающий ззвук
dizziness                                                        головокружение
anxiety                                                           тревога
remain a mystery                                           остаются загадкой
drive somebody mad                                     злить кого-либо
majestically                                                   величественно
vegetation                                                      растительность
apparent                                                         очевидный
sustain                                                           поддерживать
baffling enigma                                             озадачивающая загадка
bless                                                              благословиь
glowing                                                         пылающий
gather                                                            собирать
serpent                                                           змея
methane gas bubles                                       пузыри метана
river bed                                                        русло реки
labyrinth                                                        лабиринт
maze                                                              лабиринт
suffocating                                                    удушающий
eerie sound                                                    жуткий звуки
drag                                                               бремя
lair                                                                 логово
intriguingly                                                   интригующе
resemble                                                        походить

понедельник, 13 февраля 2017 г.

Topic 3

Hello, every one know something about space. Space- is synonymous with the univerce. He is endless. This fact often frightening people and the are eager to explore it.
They are building space-crafts for flights, making speshel devices for observations...
So, how spase affects peoples lives? 
Cosmic environment exposes the Earth is constantly exposed to visible and invisible.
First of all, the danger comes from the sun. Huge impact on our planet have a flash on it. At such moments, especially in space thrown a lot of solar energy. On Earth, this leads to magnetic storms, severe thunderstorms, frequent auroras and the large amount of precipitation, an increase in the number of different microorganisms and deterioration of health. 
Second- is meteorites. 
Meteorites reaches the Earth's surface in the form of melted rocks and meteors burn up in the atmosphere, turning into gas and dust. Upon impact of large meteorites on Earth's surface there are impact craters with a diameter from a few meters to several hundred kilometers. The biggest and the oldest meteorite craters - Vredefort crater in South Africa. It has a diameter of 250 kilometers, and was about 2 billion years.

понедельник, 6 февраля 2017 г.


Our world full of mysteries. Some things we cant explain.
I think that story about "Apollo 13" really interesting, tragical and enigmatic.
Apollo 13 its a space-craft which exlodeded on orbit